Create a Memorial
A Place to Share Your Cherished Memories
We invite you to create a personalized memorial page to pay a tribute to loved ones lost to violent crime in Charles County. Before you complete your page submission, it may be helpful to view this Example Memorial Page to see how your page may look.
Create your page by filling out the form fields below. We invite you to share your written memories and tributes to your loved one, as well as uploading your favorite photos of them. When your memorial page is complete, we encourage you to share it with friends and family. Scroll to the bottom of the memorial page and select an icon to invite them via email or your favorite social media platforms. Let them know that they can add their own memories and upload their own favorite photos in the comments section on the memorial page.
The Charles County State’s Attorney’s Office reserves the right to review, edit or remove any content provided to the Crime Victims Memorial website. Upon submitting a new page or a comment to an existing page, your submission will be reviewed within 5 business days. You’ll receive an email when your content is approved.